FL-6 Certified Pilot

This is the final stage of the Progressive Flight Education Program, and by this point you know everything you need to know to be a Certified Pilot.  This program takes all of the exercises you have been doing, and polishes them up to a nice shine in preparation for your final Flight Test.  You already know how to perform all of the maneuvers, it’s just a matter of bringing them up within a Flight Test Standard so that you can prove your skills in the air.

What make this program unique?

This program culminates with you achieving your Private Pilot Licence, at which point you have reached your goal and achieved your dream of being a licenced pilot!  From here you are going to want to get on your phone and call your friends and family to see who wants to go for a flight!

What you learn:

At this point you have already learned all that is required to get your licence, so it is really more about practice makes perfect.  You will be going through all the exercises with a fine tooth comb and practicing until you achieve a certain standard for each in flight maneuver.

You will be tested on your abilities in the air, as well as your abilities on the ground.  You will need to know the aircraft intimately; systems, emergency procedures, speeds, loading graphs and more.  Your ability to analyze the weather and make decisions for planning a cross country flight will all be assessed.  Pilot Decision Making skills are crucial at this point, as you want to prove that you have what it takes to apply critical thinking to all types of situations in and out of the cockpit.

This is your chance to prove to your instructor, and a Flight Test Examiner designated by Transport Canada, that you DO in fact have what it takes to be a licenced pilot.  Just remember your training, think rationally, be humble and learn from your mistakes and you will achieve great success!

Time Commitment

This program requires approximately 50 hours of your time, of which approximately 8 hours are actual flying time with an instructor (Dual), about 6 hours is actual flying by yourself (Solo), 5 hours are spent with an instructor in ground briefings and the remainder is spent studying flight test standards in preparation for the final test. If you fly twice a week, the program will take approximately 7 weeks to complete.  Faster or slower is your choice, we will make a schedule around you!

Average Financial Impact

The costs are on a “pay as you go” basis, meaning at the end of each flight session you only need to pay for that days’ flight and ground time.  Based on the Flying Time and Instructor time quoted above, this program can be completed at an average cost of $4300 including HST.  You could expect to spend $300 for a given lesson module, and about $500 on your Flight Test day!

* Completion of Flight Level 5 is a Pre-requisite to this program.