A New Way to Learn to Fly
Progressive Flight Education is a structured flight training program built on a series of steps. With each step, you get closer to the ultimate goal of becoming a licensed pilot.
However, we know that due to time commitments, financial constraints and personal interest, you may only want to experience flying and gain some of the essential skills necessary to handle a small plane.
To meet these needs, our programs are modularized with specific objectives and accreditations. You can choose to complete an entry level program now and come back to take a more advanced program later. Alternatively, you may simply choose to return for a couple of review flights to maintain the skills you have. So the choice is yours – you advance to the level you want knowing that you will have a tangible accomplishment and have learned a new skill.
We think anyone with an interest in flying should have an opportunity to learn to fly, even if they do not want to obtain their pilot’s license. With our innovative Progressive Flight Education Program we have made that possible.
Here are the steps in our program. Click on the link to find out more.
Flight Level 1 – I Have Control – {Expanding your Horizons}
Flight Level 2 – Pushing the Envelope – {The 5 S’ of Survival}
Flight Level 3 – Solo Pilot – {Just You and the Airplane)
Flight Level 4 – Higher Education {And Higher Expectations}
Flight Level 5 – See Ya Later, Navigator – {Your Solo Cross Country}
Flight Level 6 – Certified Pilot – {You’re Licensed!}
Want to experience all of the fun of these Flight Levels without any of the studying? Check out our Adventure Flights!