FL-1 I Have Control

This introductory program is the foundation for anyone interested in mastering the essential skills of flying a small single engine plane – whether you want to become a licensed pilot, or just want to experience the joys of flying a plane.

What makes this program unique?

This program puts you in the pilot’s seat right away. You will be the pilot flying the plane 90% of the time. It does not require that you have attended ground school or have any previous flying experience.

What you learn:

  • How to inspect an aircraft before flight
  • How to control an airplane on the ground while taxiing
  • How to control the aircraft using visual cues outside
  • How to fly straight on a constant heading
  • How to fly level at a constant altitude
  • How to Climb at specific angles and speeds
  • How to Descend in different configurations
  • How to make turns up to 30 degrees of bank
  • Understand fuel burn, calculate how long and far you can fly
  • Introduction to radio procedures, learn the phonetic alphabet
  • How weather affects flying
  • Learn Pilot Decision Making Skills
  • Learn about cockpit instruments – benefits and limitations
  • Learn about aircraft performance charts
  • How to use your hands and feet together when flying
  • Learn effective use of checklists

At the end of the program you will have the core foundation skillset that all future training will be based on. You’ll understand how to use the visual cues from outside the cockpit as well as what instrumentation is telling you. You’ll know how to climb and descend at specific speeds, rates and angles, how to use your hands on the controls in combination with your feet on the pedals to control all 3 axis’ of the aircraft in a coordinated manner.

In the last lesson, Range and Endurance you will get in-depth knowledge into performance calculations for the aircraft.  You will understand how long (time) and how far (distance) you can fly in your aircraft based on weight, wind, fuel, altitude and other factors.

Time Commitment

This program requires approximately 21 hours of your time, of which approximately 7 hours are actual flying time, about 6 hours are spent with an instructor in ground briefings, and the remainder is spent studying course manuals that will familiarize you with the aircraft and principles of flying. If you fly twice a week, the program will take approximately 3 ½ weeks to complete.  Faster or slower is your choice, we will make a schedule around you!

Average Financial Impact

The costs are on a “pay as you go” basis, meaning at the end of each flight session you only need to pay for that days’ flight and ground time.  Based on the Flying Time and Instructor time quoted above, this program can be completed at an average cost of $2300 including HST.  You can expect to spend around $300 for a given lesson module.

With this training you will be able to:

  • Fly an airplane without any intervention from an instructor
  • Start, Taxi and Take Off all under your control
  • Decipher basic aviation radio calls and make them too!
  • Apply critical thinking to fuel calculations


Due to the one-on-one in-flight training, enrolment in this program is limited and should be booked as soon as possible.