Jaqueline Nusko is a Private Pilot

Congratulations Jacqueline on passing your flight test! Wow Jacqueline, you really put the time and effort in this summer and look what happened as a result…you’re broke! No, just kidding…you have a licence!!! Yay! Well Jacqueline, you’re well...

Sarah Szabo is a Private Pilot

Congratulations Sarah on passing your Written Exam and getting your licence! Wow Sarah Szabo, you’re done! All those drives from Port Elgin over the years…to Edenvale, then to Owen Sound, then to Wiarton…so much time and effort went into this, and...

Tom Michi goes Solo

Congrats Tom on your first solo!!! July 5th, 2011 marks a great day in the skies above Wiarton for Tom Michi, who after 4 months from taking his first flight, leaves his instructor on the ground and takes the airplane up all by himself for his first solo flight! This...

Andree Loucks goes solo!!!

Congrats Andree on your first Solo! Well there must be something in the air today, Two First Solo’s in one day! Congrats Andree on your first solo flight in the afternoon of July 5th, 2011. Taking after her grandfather, and in his airplane, Andree successfully...

Cynthia Porter goes SOLO!!!

Congrats Cynthia on your first solo! Cynthia, Cynthia, Cynthia (this is already starting to sound like our debriefs)… Congratulations Cynthia, we knew you had it in you! I remember our first flight like it was April 5th…oh wait, it was April 5th…of...